Chairperson Message

Mustafa Foundation’s journey began in 2011, since its inception, we have collectively addressed the most pressing community issues and funded innovative solutions to drive transformational change. MF Foundation is passionately committed to make a difference in eradicating hunger and providing relief to homelessness, education assistance, mentoring and advocacy.
I learned from my parents and family: “The value of community service, the importance of relationships, and the belief that we can, and always will do more together than we do alone.”
Our objective is to drive the mission of Mustafa Foundation (MF), develop leaders, empower individuals, and meet the immediate needs of underprivileged families, and the community. It’s possible with an empowered community being united who can collectively MAKE A DIFFERENCE, as we CAN NOT do it all alone. We are all pieces of ONE large puzzle. It’s imperative to identify which piece we are, show up and play our part!
I am incredibly grateful to be associated with MF Foundation and excited about this journey. The best of MF Foundation is yet to come!
~Afsar Nawaz Khan
How we started ?
Hear from the president of the Mustafa Foundation about how it all got started & how it is going so far.
Bismillah-ir-Rehman-ir-Raheem Mustafa Trust – Past, Present and Future Assalam-alekum Varehmatullah-Vabarakatuhu Honoured audience and viewers, Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem, I who resume it with the name of Allah choose us and you to serve the This noble anity and gave opportunity ……..
What are we doing ?
Hear from the Vice President of the Mustafa Foundation about how it all got started & how it is going so far.
Bismillah-ir-Rehman-ir-Raheem Mustafa Trust – Past, Present and Future Assalam-alekum Varehmatullah-Vabarakatuhu Honoured audience and viewers, Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Raheem, I who resume it with the name of Allah choose us and you to serve the This noble anity and gave opportunity ……..
Why us?
Why Donate & Work With Mustafa Foundation, Know From Our Chairperson!
Ever imagined how is the life of someone who is living in poor conditions with no proper education, medical services, food & nutrition, or no proper access to resources and growth opportunities in life. Unfortunately, this is exactly the fate of many ….
About us
Mustafa Foundation’s journey began in 2011, since its inception, we have collectively addressed the most pressing community issues and funded innovative solutions to drive transformational change. MF Foundation is passionately committed to make a difference in eradicating hunger and providing relief to homelessness, education assistance, mentoring and advocacy.
We Find & Fund
We are in search of opportunities to help as many people as possible. We approach and fund all those who are in need.
Health Care
Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where we take care of them like our own.
We Help in Employing
We help in Educating
Our numbers that speak